Some Unusual Books By Walt Noon:


Build Your Own Solar Cell.
Yes, it is possible to MAKE your own solar cells and retrive energy from the sun! Output from homemade cells is smaller than commercial cells, however, they are very inexpensive and relatively easy to produce. These are permanent, dry cells. Several solar projects are also included.

This book is available for just $4.95 from Lindsay Publications. You can order online by requesting book #819 at: or by writing Lindsay Publications,PO Box 538, Bradley  IL, 60915.


Secrets of Electrostatic Lightning Bolt Generators.
If you've ever wanted a high voltage (200,000 volt) generator that can be built for around $25.00, then this book is for you.  Includes plans and details for several high voltage generators including the Van de Graaff, dirod and friction based generators.  Many chapters of additional projects including electrostatic motors, a "magic wand" that senses electrical fields, tips and tricks for measuring high voltages, and much more!

This extensive book is available for $8.95 from Lindsay Publications. You can order online by requesting book #20900 at: or by writing Lindsay Publications,PO Box 538, Bradley  IL, 60915.


Build a 40,000 Volt Induction coil
This book details how ordinary automotive coils can be used to produce high voltages!  Includes a driver circuit with variable frequency and power, extensive plans and photos for making electronic (Kirlian) photos and many other useful experiments.

This book is available for just $4.95 from Lindsay Publications. You can order online by requesting book #844 at: or by writing Lindsay Publications,PO Box 538, Bradley  IL, 60915.

More info is available on this book at:

T.V. and Stereo Jammer!
This is one of the greatest (and hardest to find) electronic "gags" items! It's a TINY T.V. and radio jamming circuit! With it can end the rampage of a noisy neighbor who plays their stereo too loud, or have a GREAT time with it in your  pocket when your friend is trying to watch T.V.! (I kicked it off and on quietly just as touchdowns were scored and drove a friend with a new T.V. CRAZY.)  Note: This works only on T.V.s with antennas.
This tiny circuit is about the size of an electronic "bug," so, it's easy to conceal and is very low power.
The jammer is available including manual and parts for just $12.00 by clicking here
Be sure to watch the free video on the same page!

Beat The House!
This booklet discusses not only card counting, but gives you easily constructed hidden circuits that will tell you when to bet!  (Remember "Rain Man?")
It a statistical fact that if you play a perfect game there is an 87% chance you will double your money.
Card counting can't be prosecuted, and you can learn to do it easily from this book. It is, however illegal in most places to use a computer.  So this book is for your informational purposes only.  I have a VERY limited number of these booklets left.  They can be ordered for just $4.95 (shipping included) by clicking the "buy now" button.

If you'd like to be notified of other strange books by Walt,  Tesla information, and receive free plans and happenings from the fringe, just email Walt with your address and say "add me to the Tesla list!"