For more than thirty years, The Amazing Kreskin has been entertaining audiences by dramatizing the unusual powers of the human mind.  Using a combination of
humor and showmanship, Kreskin, known as "the world's foremost mentalist," has performed for royalty and presidential families.
His personal photobook is sure to be full of pictures of famous political and other high profile figures he's met and performed for over the years. On top of this he has also had an impressive television career. 
Kreskin has made more than 500
television appearances on shows like The Tonight Show (88 times!), CNN Morning News, The Late Show with David Letterman and many others. For five years during the 1970's, the mentalist dazzled millions of viewers weekly with his television series "The Amazing World of Kreskin," and then with a series of popular TV specials called "Kreskin's Quest." 

(I have 5 episodes all together available on tape for a nominal duplication cost.  Please write for details.)
Special thanks to Tom Gallo!

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